• 42H was a permanent corporate apartment for Archer Daniels Midland for 60 years.

• ADM departed the hotel in 2007 in the midst of a public environment punishing corporations for signs of excess. It was before the financial crisis, but in the wake of perceived acts of entitlement within corporate America.

• ADM is a massive agricultural concern. They buy crops and convert those crops into seeds, fertilizer, food, oils, syrups, etc. They typically package and ship their own products to both resale and wholesale outlets.

• A complete renovation, with a cost of over $1 million was completed in 2006 at the expense of ADM.

• 42H is a 3 bedroom suite with a modern kitchen, dining room, and oval marble foyer featuring appealing artwork. The view is wonderful, with a panorama looking East and South, toward the East River and The Chrysler Building.