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The Grand Ballroom as it was during Time Magazine's 40th Anniversary party. The design of the Grand Ballroom was commissioned by Oliver Smith and was in place from the late 1950s to the mid-1980s.

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The cover of Time Magazine in 1963 celebrating its anniversary party that was held at the historic Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

The menu and program design for the Time Magazine 40th Anniversary party was quite elaborate and featured some of societies most popular personalities. Though the dinner only lasted for about 2 hours, the dancing lasted until 4:00 A.M.!

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There were over 1,000 guests in attendance at Time Magazines 40th Anniversary celebration. In this posting, guests featured include George and Leonore Romney, Ginger Rogers, Former VP Henry Agard Wallace, James A. Farley (Coca-Cola Corporation / U.S.…

There were over 1,000 guests in attendance at Time Magazines 40th Anniversary celebration. In this posting, guests featured include Illinois Republic Senator Everett M. Dirksen, Metropolitan Opera Soprano Leontyne Price, Montana Senator Burton K.…

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There were over 1,000 guests in attendance at Time Magazines 40th Anniversary celebration. In this posting, featured guests include Former Heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey, Barry Goldwater, Jean Kerr, Helen Hayes, Gina Lollobrigida, Danny Kaye,…

As per Time Magazine: "Actress Helen Hayes, who was featured on the cover of Time on Dec. 30, 1935, introduces some other cover subjects. She got round after round of applause as she stood in the spolight" on the stage of the Grand Ballroom.

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This photograph was taken in the Churchill Suite during an exclusive VIP event for The Churchill Centre's 2015 Annual Awards.

Featured in this photograph from left to right are Randolph Churchill, Ronen Nissenbaum (Managing Director of the…
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