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New York Library Club007.jpg
This menu was created in honor of the "Twenty-Fixth" annual dinner for the The New York Library Club. The humorous way of designing this menu is quite fitting for librarians!

Black and white photograph. Press slip on the reverse reads "27. J.P. Morgan, famous financier, and the late Marquess of Lothian, British Ambassador to the United States, as they met at the Dinner of the English-Speaking Union of the U.S., at The…

Black and white photograph. Press slip on the reverse reads: "32. Financier J.P. Morgan and the late Mrs. Sara Delano Roosevelt, the President's mother, meeting at the dinner given at The Waldorf-Astoria by the English-Speaking Union of the U.S., in…

EOL and blauvelt.jpg
Former General Manager, Eric Long, shares a laugh with our Executive Director of Catering, Jim Blauvelt during an event held in our Grand Ballroom in 1994.

"Breakfast in bed at the Waldorf: Having it in bed is something we don't do often, let alone at the Waldorf. Life was certainly very luxurious, we had been entertained at buffet dinners and luncheons, and taken to shows by the Pillsbury people and…

Director of Sales and Marketing, Matthew Zolbe, is interviewed by Darren Everson of the Wall Street Journal online about the history of our historic presidential suite located in the Towers.

This photo shows 2 construction workers on top of the Towers of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel before its construction project was completed in 1931. A view of Central Park can be seen on the far left-hand side of this photo. (Take note of the fact that…
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