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HB 52.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting the boudoir of a Waldorf Towers Apartment from the 1935 publication "The Waldorf-Astoria" by Richard Averill Smith.

HB  47.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting the Dining Room of a luxurious Waldorf Towers suite from the 1935 publication "The Waldorf-Astoria" by Richard Averill Smith.

HB 19.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting the East Foyer, which adjoins the Grand Ballroom, from the 1935 publication "The Waldorf-Astoria" by Richard Averill Smith.

HB 20.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting Cardinal Hayes speaking at an event in the Grand Ballroom from the 1935 publication "The Waldorf-Astoria" by Richard Averill Smith.

"...Cardinal Hayes speaking at a dinner in honor of the newly installed Bishop…

HB 6.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting the Park Avenue Foyer and Terraces decorated for Christmas from the 1935 publication "The Waldorf-Astoria" by Richard Averill Smith.

How to Fly Flag002.jpg
Lucius Boomer, former president of the Hotel Waldorf Astoria Corporation, presented a White House publication on how to properly fly, present, and handle the United States Flag to all Waldorf Astoria team members in the early 1940s just as the United…

HB 26.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting the three-room Le Perroquet Suite used for smaller social events from the 1935 publication "The Waldorf-Astoria" by Richard Averill Smith.

HB 45.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting the Lounge of the Junior League Club Rooms from the 1935 publication "The Waldorf-Astoria" by Richard Averill Smith.
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