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Five-star General's flag outside of the Waldorf=Astoria Hotel, 1964
Black and white photograph depicting the five-star General's flag, which was ordered especially for General Douglas MacArthur upon his arrival from Japan in 1951. This flag flew over the Park Avenue entrance to the Waldorf=Astoria Hotel and, along…

HB Historic Entrance.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting the Park Avenue Entrance of the Waldorf=Astoria Hotel from the 1935 publication "The Waldorf-Astoria" by Richard Averill Smith.

How to Fly Flag002.jpg
Lucius Boomer, former president of the Hotel Waldorf Astoria Corporation, presented a White House publication on how to properly fly, present, and handle the United States Flag to all Waldorf Astoria team members in the early 1940s just as the United…
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