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Archive042_Pres. Truman.jpg
"Smoking the pipe of prosperity for the state of Missouri are former president Harry S. Truman and Missouri Governor James T. Blair, Jr. who were honored guests at an Ole' Missouri Country Ham Breakfast-brunch Wednesday noon at Hotel Waldorf…

Archive043_VP Bush.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting then Vice President George H.W. Bush attending an event in the Louis XVI Suite, date unknown.

Archive044_Pres. Reagan.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting President Ronald W. Reagan and New York City Mayor Edward Koch attending an event in the Empire Room, Waldorf=Astoria Hotel, date unknown.

Archive045_Breaking News.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting Deputy Premier of the Soviet Union Anastas Mikoyan meeting the press at the Economic Club of New York luncheon held on January 14, 1959 in the Grand Ballroom, Waldorf=Astoria Hotel.

Photograph taken in the…

Archive046_Lord Mountbatten.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting Lord Mountbatten "reviewing" the Rockettes before a show at the Empire Room, Waldorf=Astoria Hotel, date unknown.

Archive047_Queen Eliz.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting Queen Elizabeth II in the Grand Ballroom at a dinner in her honor, October 21, 1957.

Archive048_Mayor Abe.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting New York City Mayor Abe Beame, Princess Margaret, Mr. Angier Biddle Duke and Mrs. Abe Beame attending an event at the Waldorf Towers, Waldorf=Astoria Hotel, date unknown.

Archive049_Queen Eliz.jpg
Black and white photograph depicting Queen Elizabeth II being greeted by Eugene Scanlan at The Waldorf Towers on October 21, 1957.
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